Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bloomsbury's sale of militaria

This sale was what prompted me to get my act together and get this blog moving. Lots of interesting volumes in the collection. With my interest in the Mesopotamian Campaign, I was naturally drawn to the lot on Maj Gen Townsend (Lot #3), but what really caught my eye was lot #89 A to Z being Twentysix Notes on a Soldier’s Trumpet, by Surgeon Major F.E. Scanlan, 1876.

Wasn't quick enough on the draw to get this one, but I thought this was great!

2 April 2009

After wandering aimlessly around other blogs and related sites trying to find a forum for those who collect antiquarian military books, or just want to discuss them, I finally have decided to take that step and start one here. Let's see what happens